how to avoid mulitple definitions of STL free_list, start_free, end_free,heap_size

Stephen Reuss
Sun Dec 7 07:09:00 GMT 1997

First up, I dealt with the pair structure redeclaration issue by
renaiming the pair structure in the third party code to mespair.  If
anyone has ideas of how I can force compiler to choose one declaration
or another, please let me know.

The new problem regards the:
 multiple definition of `__default_alloc_template<false, 0>::start_free

in linking a C++ program.  The link command is as follows:

g++ -o main -D__GNU_COMPILER -DWIN32 -D__CYGWIN32__ -O2  main.o
flowsolver.o gui.o graphics.o io.o parms.o mesh.o vert.o cell.o face.o
coef.o mgrid.o gridadapt.o   -L../lib -lglut -L../lib -lMesaGLU
-lMesaGL  /usr/Programs/Meschach/lib/meschach.a ../lib/wing32.a
-lkernel32 -luser32 -lgdi32  

Interrestingly, the above error is given while trying to link all but
the io.o and parms.o files.  I checked the included headers for these
files and they arent any different than headers included in other source

And each of the object files was created using the command (eg.):

g++ -c -D__GNU_COMPILER -DWIN32 -D__CYGWIN32__ -O2 
-I/usr/Programs/Mesa-2.5/include  -I. -I/LIBS/mv++/include
-I/usr/Programs/Meschach/include main.c

>From what I understand, the compilation phase has created object files
each with the above memory definitions.  How can I get it not to do
that, if that is the case?  If not, can anyone shed some light?

Is there any way I can tell the linker its OK, and just use the most
recent definition?  They are presumably all identical.

Thanks in advance

  Stephen Reuss                               =====  ======  =====
  M.A.Sc.  student, Mechanical Engineering   ==      ==      ==  ==
  University of Waterloo, Canada             =       =====   ==   =
  E-mail:        ==      ==      ==  ==
  Phone : (519)888-4567 X3859                 =====  ==      =====
  Fax   : (519)888-6197                         *** G R O U P ***

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