[ANN][RFC] cygipc-1.11 at cygutils

Charles Wilson cwilson@ece.gatech.edu
Thu Nov 29 09:41:00 GMT 2001

Horak Daniel wrote:

>>What does postgresql do if there is no system-wide union semun?
> There is a check for union semun in configure and then if it does not
> find a system wide union semun it defines its own as
> union semun
> {
>         int                     val;
>         struct semid_ds *buf;
>         unsigned short *array;
> };
> #endif

Ah, then cygipc-1.11 won't work for postgresql.  Cygwin (and Linux) 
implementations of IPC need a fourth union memeber,
    struct seminfo *__buf
which is used when cmd == IPC_INFO, SEM_INFO.  Linux also requires a 
fifth member
   void *__pad
while cygipc declares that fifth member because it was modeled on the 
Linux code -- but cygipc never accesses __pad.

This sounds like a vote for 'return to 1.10 behavior'.  Any other comments?


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