WINE and Cygwin

Steven Edwards
Wed May 29 09:08:00 GMT 2002

> > Forgive my ignorance (or lack of
> > imagination), but since WINE is a windows
> > emulator, and Cygwin runs on windows,
> > why would you want to port WINE to Cygwin?
> You wouldn't. You might want to use cygwin to port WINE to 
> reactos. Reactos is binary compatible with mingw, but lacks 
> all the GUI stuff that MS provide for Windows users.

Your forgiven =P There are two resions I am working on a port to

1. The WINE dlls/programs are highly portable and are basically a
implantation of the whole win16/32 api. This will save the ReactOS
project years of coding. My work is almost done with this with the
exception of a few minor bugs. All that will be needed after I am
complete is for someone to fix our win32k.sys to use proper win32
windowing procedures and messaging. Once again there is example code for
this in the WINE tree.

2. Not that I think it be of much point but I would like to try and port
WINESERVER to cygwin. This would be a good learning experience for me.
Wineserver handles the translation/emulation of Windows programs to a
POSIX interface. The last time someone attempted to do a port, cygwin
was lacking a proper send/recv message interface. Does anyone know if
this is still the case? Also Get/SetThreadContext must be implemented in
wineserver for cygwin but most of that code exists in GDB so it will
just take some studying of that to get it to work.


"Every revolution was once a thought in one man's mind"
- Ralph Waldo Emerson 

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