RPM built with shared libraries

Max Bowsher maxb@ukf.net
Sun May 25 15:34:00 GMT 2003

Success! Some of my 'fixes' are horibble kludges, but there is ample
material here to discuss.

Some notes:
Upgrading the autotools in db requires an "ed":
-------------- ed -------------------
ex "$@"

I needed to modify autoreconf to make it suitable - patch attached to create
a myautoreconf.

Some parts of rpm AC_PREREQ(2.12). Hence, you *must* *must* source the
following before building:
--------------- autodevel --------------------------------
export PATH=${AUTO_DEVEL}/bin:${PATH}
export M4PATH=${AUTO_DEVEL}/share/autoconf:${M4PATH}
If you get a weird error whilst making popt, check config.h.in - if it is
mostly empty, you have forgotten to do this.

I haven't had time to describe the reasons for all my changes - hopefully
most will be self-evident, but if not, just ask.

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