[ANNOUNCEMENT] New Package Available: perl-libwin32-0.191-1

Rafael Kitover caelum@debian.org
Thu Jan 22 09:25:00 GMT 2004

>-----Original Message-----
>From: cygwin-owner@cygwin.com [mailto:cygwin-owner@cygwin.com] On Behalf Of
>Edward S. Peschko
>Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2004 4:58 PM
>To: cygwin@cygwin.com
>Subject: Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] New Package Available: perl-libwin32-0.191-1
>exceedingly cool...
>Just curious, but are the code patches to do this merged into the standard
>distributions (ie: the standard libwin32 api (which I think is with perl
>And does this work in mingw mode (ie: with -mno-cygwin)?

Absolutely, if you have a Perl built with MinGW. The libwin32 source builds
cleanly with MinGW and Borland C/C++ 5.5.
Building a Perl with MinGW is described in man perlwin32, except that you don't
have to install the (non-cygwin) MinGW distribution, but simply use
CC="gcc -mno-cygwin".

There is apparently a way to build modules for ActivePerl with MinGW, described
here, note the patch referenced on that page is not used in my package:


And here: 

http://tinyurl.com/33qny (search.cpan.org)

I haven't tried this myself, but I will in the future.

>(ps - also, do you know the difference perchance between Win32::GUI and
>Win32::GUITest? Can you do mouse events, supply keys to applications, etc?

http://search.cpan.org/ is a good place to look for modules and find out what
they do. You can install Win32::GuiTest on Cygwin with
perl -MCPAN -e shell
force install Win32::GuiTest
The tests aren't quite Cygwin friendly, but they all pass. Not sure if it works
or not, and it spews out a whole bunch of gcc warnings, which is normal with
code written for VC++.

>pps - as for the other Win32:: modules, do you know their status
>(Win32::AdminMisc, etc)? I'd very much like to be able to do pretty much
>everything I can do with ActiveState under cygwin (and possibly mingw)
>perl, and that means setting up services, setting environment variables,
>GUIs via sending keystrokes and mouse-events, modifying registry varbs, etc.
>libwin32 does some of this stuff, but not all...

You can probably install many Win32:: modules using the CPAN shell, some you
might need to tweak a bit to install cleanly (see your ~/.cpan/build). In such
cases I'd encourage you to send patches to the authors. If you run into
problems building something, and you've read all the relevant documentation,
this list may be able to help.

I've seen many references to Win32::AdminMisc, but it wasn't easy to find as
CPAN doesn't think that module exists... here's the homepage:

Also it doesn't use MakeMaker, but comes with a visual studio .dsp file... I'll
see if I can get it properly Cygwin-ized.


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