(now OT) cygwin processes and system'ed processes using 100% CPU

Brian Dessent brian@dessent.net
Wed Jan 28 12:31:00 GMT 2004

Steven Hartland wrote:

> That's one for the notes for the future. A totally new subject and
> new content tends to indicate a new thread to my mail reader
> but I suppose all  are not created even.

Real email programs use the "In-Reply-To" and/or "References" headers to
determine which message an email is in reply to, and do not care what
the subject or body contain.  This allows for proper threading even if
the subject is modified somewhere within the thread.  So for example the
participants can modify the subject (as I have done to indicate that
this is now off-topic) and the threading will still be correct.  Thus if
you hit reply and then change the subject and completely delete all
quoting, those of us with non-broken email programs will still display
your message as being a part of the completely unrelated thread that you
replied to.  So, if you wish to start a new thread, do so by using your
email program's "new message" feature and not its "reply" feature.

> Does appear the list software needs a bit of an update though.
> The issue with it setting personal address as the reply to field
> could do with being fixed at the very least would save a lot of
> hassle.

*sigh*  No, that's how mailing lists are supposed to work.  Lists where
the ML software forces the Reply-To to the list address are broken.  See
<http://www.unicom.com/pw/reply-to-harmful.html>  In fact, you'll find
that the mailing list software used here does nothing to the Reply-To
header, it honors whatever you set it to.  So if you want replies to go
to the list, you should set it to the list address.


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