Bizarre behaviour of insight and win32 clipboard

Dave Korn
Fri Jan 30 16:00:00 GMT 2004

    Hello all,

  Just a small oddity that I've noticed, and I imagine someone will tell me
that it's in fact as-intended behaviour, but I thought I'd raise it:

  It seems that insight keeps track of its own version of the clipboard
contents, which it initialises from the win32 clipboard when the application
starts up, and doesn't keep in sync.  This leads to the following
bizarre-seeming behaviour:

 - I copy something to the clipboard in some win32 app,
 - start insight,
 - press ctrl+v or insert to paste it into the command console,
 - then switch back to a win32 window,
 - copy something else to the clipboard,
 - switch back to insight,
 - press ctrl+v, still get the original thing I first copied,
 - switch back to the win32 window and press ctrl+v, get the new contents of
the clipboard.....

  I'm slightly disturbed to find Ctrl+v pasting different contents according
to which window you happen to have clicked on.  Is there any way to get the
two clipboards to be properly synced, or to make insight use the real win32
clipboard instead of its own internal one ?

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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