Service not starting unless...

Aitken, Sean
Fri Feb 18 22:05:00 GMT 2005

> If I check the box "Allow service to interact with desktop" 
> it does start. I
> am trying to understand the implications of checking that box 
> and trying to
> understand why this is happening. In my ignorance I think it 
> could be a file
> permissions error of some sort.

Hi Antonio, I have had similar problems trying to run sshd on Windows
2003 (using cygrunsrv). (What OS version are you using?) I went through
many troubleshooting tasks involving policies, permissions, etc.
Ultimately, I am able to workaround the issue through the use of
Windows' "runas" command.  I Specify "Runas /user:domain\serviceaccount
'c:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe -...' ...sshd...".  Only problem is that the
sshd process seems to die if I logoff even though it's a background task
running under another context.

Either way, if you solve the problem, I would like to try the solution
against our situation.

Good luck!

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