A path that's invalid on 1.7 but presumably valid on 1.5

Lee Maschmeyer lee_maschmeyer@wayne.edu
Mon Jul 14 20:22:00 GMT 2008

The invalid path in question: //?/e:cygwin/usr/share/tcl8.4/init.tcl. This 
is the path as supplied by tcl. To make it work, insert a / after the colon: 

Here's a Cygwin session that demonstrates this. I'm trying to build brltty, 
a program which is part of Cygwin but I'm building from the tarball. The 
path as supplied by tcl is invalid on 1.7. Since it worked on 1.5 it was 
presumably valid over there:

$ ./autogen
application-specific initialization failed: Can't find a usable init.tcl in 
the following directories:
    //?/e:/cygwin/share/tcl8.4 //?/e:cygwin/share/tcl8.4 
//?/e:cygwin/usr/share/tcl8.4 //?/e:share/tcl8.4 //?/e:cygwin/library //?/e
:library //?/e:../tcl8.4.1/library

This probably means that Tcl wasn't installed properly.

$ ls //?/e:cygwin/usr/share/tcl8.4/init.tcl
/bin/ls: cannot access //?/e:cygwin/usr/share/tcl8.4/init.tcl: No such file 
or directory
$ ls //?/e:/cygwin/usr/share/tcl8.4/init.tcl

Note: I've checked with the brltty people and they assure me brltty isn't 
involved in any way.


Lee Maschmeyer
Computing Center Services
Computing and Information Technology
Wayne State University
Detroit, Michigan, USA 

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