[Bug] Named Pipes (FIFO) / Bash

Achim Gratz Stromeko@nexgo.de
Tue Jan 25 07:04:00 GMT 2011

Eric Blake <eblake@redhat.com> writes:
> Not just in bash, but in cygwin in general.  Named pipes are still an
> incomplete implementation, and until patches are written to get it
> working more like posix, you can't expect them to work reliably.

I said I knew that it wasn't working like POSIX pipes.  Now, there's
clearly a regression from 1.6->1.7.  Before they just weren't working
like POSIX pipes, but now they seem to be completely unuseable for
synchronisation purposes.

> Sorry, I don't have any.  Autoconf is another client that would love to
> use named pipes (for parallel testsuites), but which can't do so until
> cygwin's implementation is completed.

So, are you saying there's a development plan to get there, or not?

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